Aged 18+ and struggling with anxiety? Don't panic, you are not alone.
This February, the wonderful team at Devon Mind are delivering some FREE two hour-long workshops about understanding and dealing with anxiety.
Hosted online via the Zoom video platform, there's no expectation for you to turn on your camera or mic (although they won't mind if you do), nor is there a need for you to identify yourself to others within the two separate workshops.
The two workshops on offer are Understanding feelings of anxiety and Tools and tips to deal with anxiety. More details are below:
1. Understanding Feelings of Anxiety, Tuesday 8 February, 10.30am – 11.30am
This workshop aims to help understand what anxiety is, the different symptoms we might feel when anxious, and how anxiety can prevent us from doing things. It also looks at why we may experience anxiety and what the causes are.
2. Tools and Tips to Deal with Anxiety, Tuesday 15 February, 10.30am – 11.30am
This workshop looks at what we might be doing that keeps us in a state of anxiety. We look at different tools and techniques that can help us deal with feelings of anxiety so that we can manage these feelings for a calmer, happier life.
Booking is essential to ensure you receive the Zoom meeting link, so for further information and to register, click here.
