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Aged 18+? Check out Shekinah’s upcoming courses and volunteering opportunities

From their lovely building at Stonehouse Creek, the Shekinah team of staff and volunteers offer support for people experiencing all forms of homelessness ranging from support with health and housing to education and employment.

All opportunities noted below are completely free and if you want to find out more, contact or pop along to Stonehouse Creek, PL1 3SF any weekday between 2.30pm and 3.30pm or on Friday afternoons between 12.30pm to 3pm.

Spotlight on gardening

Could you give up three hours a week to help transform some of Shekinah's outdoor space?

When: Tuesdays 3, 10 and 17 September

Time: 10am to 1pm

Where: Stonehouse Creek, PL1 3SF

Jo and Victoria from Skills Launchpad Plymouth were thrilled to be shown around Shekinah's welcoming building at Stonehouse Creek. Thanks Rosanna!

Personal development courses (starting from Monday 2 September)



An opportunity to look at the way you handle stress and anger, explore your relationships and understand anxiety and depression. A chance to improve your daily resilience through increasing your self-awareness

and ‘re-wiring’ your brain.



A chance to begin resolving past issues and make plans for the future in a safe and informal environment for

those wanting to look at their self-belief, confidence, mental wellbeing as well as explore the roots of behaviours


Mentoring L1

Ideal for anyone wanting to move into working with people. Find out what mentoring is, how to communicate effectively and note taking skills.


Mentoring L2

Explore more about the way you tick, professional boundaries, limitations, responsibilities, solution focused and motivational coaching. The level 2 expands more into person centred solution focused tools.


Mental Health Awareness

Find out more about mental health, how it affects different people and how to manage your own wellness, or support others with theirs.

All courses one day a week for six-weeks with one induction session prior to the main course, run throughout the year. These are all OCN London accredited qualifications.

Autumn courses:


Letting Go / Love Yourself

What do you need to let go of? Explore themes of forgiveness and self-care in this six-week course.


Re:Skill – Maths & English

Do you struggle with reading, writing and arithmetic? Want some help to know where to start your learning? Improve your basic skills that will help in all aspects of your life. Any ability, from Entry 1 to Level 2. Initial sessions on Tuesdays for two-weeks and then individual programmes are planned.



Learn strategy, critical thinking and teamwork skills while having fun.

Carpentry @ Stonehouse Creek

A safe and friendly place to learn to use hand tools and create a sustainable project. Maximum number of learners per group is four so please email to reserve your space!

Work toward an OCN London Level 1 accredited qualification.

Thursdays and Fridays

Re:Compute – Digital Skills / ICT

Don't feel left behind! Get to know the basics or improve your essential digital skills using mobile phones and computers. Choose your own programme of learning and get support all the way to an Essential Digital

Skills qualification.


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