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'Skilling up Plymouth' with opportunities for all

Plymouth City Council and YMCA Plymouth are working in partnership to help people get the right training and skills to get into work thanks to funding secured from the UK Government through their joint application to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


The project, ‘Skilling up Plymouth’ focuses around giving people the confidence and skills needed to access the city’s growing employment opportunities, and at the heart of this work is a new team of three Skills and Workforce Coordinators employed by the Council working with a new Mentoring Programme Coordinator employed by YMCA Plymouth.

Emma Hewitt, Skills Lead and Jo Lacy, Skills Launchpad Manager at Plymouth City Council, and Tom Lavis, Chief Executive at YMCA Plymouth and Discovery College

Local residents, including those who are economically inactive and young people looking to take their next steps, will be supported to transition into employment by enhancing their access to high value jobs and career pathways.

The project will also focus more on retaining and attracting new talent to support local skills needs. Support will be available for higher education students and graduates, as well as members of the Armed Forces community.

Councillor Sally Cresswell, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships said:

“We’re excited to work with the YMCA Plymouth team, who are already community champions in their own right, to help more local people access the opportunities that are available here in Plymouth. The new team will work together to support local residents who may be socially excluded or economically inactive, as well as those looking for new careers, by linking them with employers and education or training providers to improve employability and progression into employment in our key sectors, helping to reduce the city’s skills shortages and fill critical job vacancies.
“We recognise the value that mentoring can provide for young people and are particularly excited to be able to expand this offer in partnership with YMCA Plymouth, offering more targeted support from both the YMCA site and Skills Launchpad Plymouth’s Youth Hub in the city centre.”

Tom Lavis, CEO of YMCA Plymouth said:

“This project is all about supporting local people of all ages to gain confidence and skills so that they can make the most of the thousands of job opportunities that are available here in Plymouth. As a charity that supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and with Discovery College’s post-16 provision being a big part of our offer to the local community, we are excited to be working with the Skills team at Plymouth City Council to upscale our existing mentoring programme so it can benefit more young people aged 16 to 24-years-old in the city.
 “Likewise, through the capital investment committed through this fund, we are delighted to be improving the facilities at our Honicknowle site which will make a real difference to our learners and service users now, as well as leaving a lasting legacy to benefit the wider community for many years after the completion of this project.”


To access support through the Skilling Up Plymouth project, please email or click here to sign up for 1:1 support.


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