Have you heard of POP? Their purpose is to build strong grassroots organisations, charities and social enterprises by supporting them to work together and take a lead role in creating change.
They run an assortment of community groups, workshops and activities.
Groups for men:
Activities for 50+ men - Thursdays 3-4.30pm - Rees Centre
Man Power Group Personal Training - Wednesdays 10-11am - Be:Unique Gym
Active through Football Football Sessions - Mondays & Fridays 5-6.30pm - Honicknowle YMCA
Andy's Man Club - Mondays 7pm - City College Plymouth
Groups for women:
Women's Group at Union Corner - Mondays 10-12pm - Union Corner
Women's Arts & Crafts Group - Wednesday 10-12pm - Sherwell Church
Women in Mind Dance Group - Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm and Fridays 10-11am - Oxford House Creative House
Active Through Football Female Fitness Sessions - Wednesdays 1.30-2.30pm - Devonport Brickfields
Good Vibrations Writing Group - Tuesdays 6.30pm - Leadworks Stonehouse
Craft groups:
Knit and Chatter - Thursday 2-4pm - The Talk Shop
Art, Craft & Giggles - Crafty Bags - Tuesdays 6-9pm - via Zoom
Art, Craft & Giggles - Studio Sessions - Fridays 10am-4pm - William Sutton Hub
Crafty Fridays - Plymouth & Paignton - Eat that Frog
Knitwitz - Wednesdays 1-3pm - 80-84 Union Street
Art Group - Mondays 3-5pm - 80-84 Union Street
Other interests:
Timebank Southwest - Mondays 10-12pm - Efford Youth Centre
Inner City Seeds Garden Club - Fridays 1.15-4.14pm - Union Corner
Plympton Wonderers - Thursdays 1.30pm - Rees Centre Wellbeing Hub
Over 50's Photography Club and Social - Monday mornings - Plympton
Model Club - Second Thursday of every month 11am-1pm - Moments Cafe
Gardening and Horticulture Workshops - Tuesdays 7-8pm - YMCA Plymouth
Wellbeing Cafe Drop-in - Thursdays 9am-1pm - William Sutton Memorial Hall
Games Night - Thursdays from 5pm - 80-84 Union Street