When Joseph came to Skills Launchpad Plymouth, it was clear that he had a huge passion and dedication for supporting other care-experienced young people to achieve their goals.
He showed a real willingness to gain skills, experience and recognised qualifications in order to progress.
During his time with Skills Launchpad Plymouth, Joseph has successfully taken part in a Traineeship through Plymouth Training, which has led to further Youth Work qualifications. He continues to study for further qualifications, alongside other volunteering and paid work roles.
From our first engagement at a Find Your Future drop-in, at Skills Launchpad Plymouth, through to now, Joseph has shown a determination to succeed.
Most recently, Joseph has attended our Skills Launched Awards and won our Youth Hub Member of the Year award.
He is what Joseph Shared;
“If I could go back in time and change anything, I wouldn’t… I would keep it all the same. Skills Launchpad Plymouth has been a truly valuable part of my life, and my future”
