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#Futures with Discovery College Plymouth

If you are 16-19-years old and seeking opportunities for training, education or jobs, but need some help getting your future on track, #Futures could be just what you've been looking for!

Combining practical tasks with fun workshops to get you skilled and ready to take that next step, this FREE ten week course will give you the skills you need, while having a great time.

The programme runs three days a week on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

You will spend Mondays at the scenic Saltram House where you will take part in team activities, business skills workshops and learn practical skills. Transport to Saltram House is provided, and the minibus will leave and return from Discovery College.

On a Thursday and Friday you will be at Discovery College, improving your employability skills to help you land that job or place you are wanting in further education.

The next course runs from Monday 13 January - Friday 28 March.

If you would like to find out more about this great opportunity, please email Joe Stephenson here


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