Did you know you can connect with other young or expecting parents who are under 25 through a closed Facebook group or weekly cafe? The Plymouth Young Parents Support Group is delivered by Plymouth City Council's, Community Connections Youth Work team, in partnership with staff from Barnardos.
The closed Facebook group was set up to support young parents to feel connected during the pandemic, but even as things start to open up, it has continued to be a safe space where those engaging can go to feel supported through the ups and downs of parenting and general day-to-day life. So if you're feeling isolated, lonely, facing issues, stuck in a rut or just want to make new friends in Plymouth, then this group might be a good starting point for you.
Both the Facebook page and weekly Cafe at Southway Community Centre are managed by a professional Youth Worker and members from the Barnardo’s Team. From time to time they invite speakers to talk about topics that the group is interested in and ALL Young Parents of Plymouth are welcome.
It's really important to the team running these services that young parents feel valued, and they want to support you in having a positive outlook on being a parent, in a safe non-judgmental environment, where you can build a support network and interact with other group members and professionals.
Get involved... join the Facebook group here, or simply come along to the Community Cafe at Southway Community Centre on Tuesday between 12.30pm-2.30pm.