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Welcome to Skills Launchpad Plymouth
connecting local businesses and people with opportunities for skills, training, education, careers and jobs 

Skills Launchpad Plymouth – the city’s one-stop-shop for skills, training, education, careers and jobs

Skills Launchpad Plymouth offers targeted support for young people aged 16 to 24-years-old, including those with additional needs through the Youth Hub and supports those aged 25 years+ who are seeking work, facing redundancy or changing careers through the Adult HubThe intention of the ‘Skills Journey’ through the Launchpad is to put the individual at the heart – recognising that not one size fits all and that anyone in Plymouth can access this free help. We especially acknowledge the pressures of the cost of living and that is why our service offers an ethical and inclusive front door, designed to help residents make independent and informed skills and training choices, leading to better access to real employment opportunities.


Supported by Barclays Plymouth (located 140-146 Armada Way in the city centre), Skills Launchpad Plymouth is home to both the Youth Hub and Adult Hub, providing bookable appointments for face to face coordinated services for young people and adults, and a range of activities are delivered each week. Click here for our latest delivery timetable.

As well as supporting local people, Skills Launchpad Plymouth’s online Employer Hub brings together localised solutions to help address recruitment, employment, workforce skills and training challenges. Aimed at helping local small to medium sized companies as well as offering additional support for larger businesses, the Employer Hub provides advice, guidance, and access to information setting out clear options to help employers better navigate the complex skills, training and employment landscape. 


Youth Hub logo
Youth Hub


If you are 16-24 years old, or a parent/ guardian.

Education Hub logo
Education Hub


If you are a Plymouth-based education provider seeking curriculum career resources and links with local employers. 

Employer Hub logo
Employer Hub


If you are a Plymouth based employer who would like recruitment, employment, 

skills and training solutions.

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Benefits to you
Your Skills Journey

Whatever your age or circumstances, by becoming a member, you can gain FREE access to 1:1 tailored support.

By working closely with our local employers and training providers, we will help match you to real opportunities for pathways into employment, apprenticeships, traineeships, work experience, training, education, volunteering and self-employment.

Sign up with Skills Launchpad Plymouth today.

Be informed of Plymouth’s current employment picture.

Help you make choices about your career.

Access independent information, advice and guidance.

Improve your skills and build your confidence in understanding all opportunities available.

Help you to become work ready and equipped with the right skills needed to fill Plymouth’s jobs right now and in the future.

Find a job.

Visit the city’s go-to Resources Bank for young people and adults:

Find the organisations dealing with just the sort of issues you may be experiencing:

Make sure you’re ready to get back out there by accessing support for mental health and well-being.

Keep up to date by regularly checking out:

Never miss out on city wide latest news and events.

Follow us on social media:

Stay updated on real opportunities.

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Follow us on social media to stay up to date with all the latest skills and employment opportunities, news and events in Plymouth


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You can also find us on Instagram and LinkedIn

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For general enquiries please email

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