Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Take a look here and here!
86% of employers said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation
78% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve productivity
74% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve the quality of their product or service.
Other benefits of working with apprentices include:
employers can adapt their training according to the needs of their business
apprentices are motivated to learn new skills
employers can expand and upskill their workforce
apprentices will bring fresh ideas and an abundance of enthusiasm to your workforce.
Did you know?
Apprenticeships are open to people of all ages, are real jobs with real training, meaning apprentices earn while they learn and gain a nationally recognised qualification from level 2 up to degree level, depending on the role they are working towards with their employer. Apprentices gain new skills through combining hands-on experience with off-the-job training, at least 20% of an apprentice’s normal working hours, over the planned duration of the apprenticeship training period, must be spent on off-the-job training. It normally takes about seven weeks from initial contact and creating a job advert to recruiting an individual.
Apprenticeship programmes are organised in 18 different industry sectors. There are over 600 different apprenticeships available covering all careers.
Employers decide which apprenticeship standard and which individual will meet their business needs and if required which provider will support them through the process. The Apprenticeship Standards provide a framework for systematically building the skills level within an organisation therefore giving businesses the skills needed for future growth.
Levy employers If you have a wage bill of more than £3m, then the cost of training will be funded through your Levy pot, this can be accessed through your Digital Apprenticeship Account, which your chosen training provider can assist you with. They can also provide guidance on how you can access further funding to support your Levy fund if there is not enough to meet your requirements. Alternatively, they can help you transfer your unspent Levy to another local businesses to meet your corporate and social responsibility objectives through targeted levy spend.
Non levy employers If you do not have a wage bill of more than £3m or over, you will only have to pay 5% of the training costs and the Government will pay the remaining 95%. As an example, if a Level 3 apprentice value is £5000, the cost to the employer would be just £250. You may also be able to access a Levy Transfer from another employer who will not be spending all of their Levy funding.
Employers support and incentives Employers may also be entitled to additional benefits including those set out below. Please note that these are subject to change and can be checked on the Gov.uk website
The incentive payment can be spent on a wide range of costs to support an apprentice e.g. wages, travel, mentoring, etc. Employers can choose how to spend the incentive to best support their apprentices:
• £1,000 for each apprentice recruited aged 16-18
• £1,000 for each apprentice recruited aged 19-24 that has an Education, Health and Care plan
• employers with fewer than 50 employees that recruit a 16-18 year-old will not only receive the £1,000 incentive, but their 5% training costs are waived
• employers are exempt from paying NI contributions for all apprentices under the age of 25 if their earnings are below the higher tax rate.
Employers pay the wages of the apprentice, at least the apprentice minimum wage and a % of the cost of training for apprentices for employers who do not pay the apprenticeship levy (note this can be supported by a levy transfer, where an employer who pays the apprenticeship levy transfers some of their funding to an employer who does not pay the apprenticeship levy).
There is no cost to employers for apprenticeship training if they have less than 50 employees, and an apprentice (on the first day of their apprenticeship) is aged 16-18 or 19-24 with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC) or has been in the care of their local authority.
How it works in the City
Getting started
Firstly employers would need to contact Plymouth’s local training providers to start the process and to find out more about the advantages of undertaking an apprenticeship.
Local Apprenticeship Providers
• Acacia Training and Development
• Exeter College Apprenticeships
• Greenlight Safety Consultancy
Construction apprenticeships Along with local training providers, employers can explore construction apprenticeships with:
• Shared Apprenticeship Service South West
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships can develop your existing staff and grow your business. A higher or degree apprenticeship is a great way to develop existing talent within your company but also to grow your team. Support can be provided to help you recruit a higher/degree apprentice . Click here to find out more.
Employers in construction and manufacturing
For employers in construction and manufacturing, Building Plymouth and Plymouth Manufacturing Group (PMG) jointly organise an annual Early Careers Fair. To find out more email:
Skills Launchpad Plymouth Apprenticeship Opportunties Bulletin
Bi-monthly Skills Launchpad Plymouth issues their Apprenticeship Vacancy Bulletin via the Skills Launchpad Plymouth Adult Hub and the Skills Launchpad Plymouth Youth Hub.
This collates the current apprenticeship opportunities in the city and Plymouth’s local training providers alongside upcoming events and career fairs. Employers advertising on the national apprenticeship site would automatically be included in this publication.
For your business to feature, email latest apprenticeship opportunities to SkillsLaunchpad@plymouth.gov.uk
Jobcentre Plus
The local Jobcentres can help employers with setting up work trials to give an opportunity to try out potential recruits, this including advice about offering work experience and apprenticeships, including using the sector-based work academy programme
Employers can contact the Employer Services Line by telephone on 0800 169 0178 and by email as follows:
For Plymouth (Exeter Street and Bretonside) Jobcentre Plus offices: plymouth.virtualemployeradviserteam@dwp.gov.uk
For the Devonport Jobcentre Plus office: devonportjobcentre.tamareateam@DWP.GOV.UK
Employers can also make contact by using the online enquiry form.
Devon and Cornwall Training Provider Network
Represents apprenticeship training providers, this local network shares the most up to date information and advice about apprenticeships including the latest local vacancies.
Raising the profile of apprenticeships in Plymouth
There is always a lot happening during National Apprenticeship Week (usually February time) and employers are welcome to join in events and activities to promote local opportunities to target audiences.
To find out more and be part of the week’s line-up email SkillsLaunchpad@plymouth.gov.uk
Find out more
A range of government programmes are available for employers who are considering hiring an apprentice, further detail can be found here.
In particular, for apprenticeships please see here.
Employing an apprentice is easier than employers imagine it to be and there’s financial support and help available from the government – detailed information is available from:
• Digital Apprenticeship Service
• End point assessment organisation (EPAO)
• Reserve access to funding for apprenticeship training and assessment