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National Care Leavers Week 2023 #NCLW23

From Wednesday 25 October to Wednesday 1 November, it is National Care Leavers Week 2023!

It's a chance to celebrate the successes of care leavers, raise awareness of the journeys they undertake and campaign for better futures. Organisations across the UK are doing their bit to support this campaign so this year, we're being asked to:

C – celebrate care leavers

A – amplify their voices

R – raise awareness of challenges

E – encourage change in policy and practise!


If you're a care leaver and would like someone to talk to, pop in and see the Skills Launchpad team at Barclays in Plymouth City Centre. On Tuesday, you can meet our Health and Care and Construction Coordinators to chat about training and careers. On Wednesday, come along to our Training and Apprenticeship Drop-in to meet local providers. Or on Thursday, drop-in for an informal chat with our team about anything you may need at Find your Future, 12noon-3pm.

Plymouth City Council also want to use this week to make sure that all care experienced young people in Plymouth who need support get it, so if you are under 25 and care experienced and want to access support, just visit their website.

The charity BECOME have lots of resources on their website, including real stories, information on the 'Care Cliff' and guides on how to support care experienced people. Click here to find out more.


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