Support for Plymouth's armed forces community
Are you:
transitioning from HM services and planning the next steps towards a career in Plymouth?
a working-age veteran seeking employment in the city or retraining?
a military spouse, partner or young person seeking new opportunities?
We are working to connect our local armed forces community with opportunities for skills, training, education, careers and jobs.
Making the transition from military to civilian life can be a daunting process for both the leaver and their families. There is a big adjustment to family life, with the normal routine being changed for everyone involved.
When you leave the services, making your skillset understood and translated to the civilian working world can sometimes be tricky. The great news is, that there are some brilliant organisations out there to help!
Get started by looking at the Ministry of Defence's Service Leavers' Guide here, or click on the links below for local opportunities.
Need some inspiration for your career options?With so many career choices, it can be hard to decide! Use the links below to find the right path for you. Skillsometer - discover what jobs you might like to do Icould - discover your personality and what jobs might suit you NCS Skills Assessment - discover your skills and what jobs might suit you Careers Pilot Go Construct - construction specific Prospects Job Services - for graduates Target Careers UCAS
Not sure how to start? Check out these useful links to support youMake sure you feel ready to get back out there – check out the support available if you are feeling anxious, confused, lost or overwhelmed. Plymouth has lots of growing industries that will have many job openings in the future. One of them could be for you! Find out more. Get your own free Careers and Skills Plan with National Careers Service. Develop yourself through further study and training opportunities. Find out where to find jobs in Plymouth.
Need to talk through your options?Pop in and see us on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Barclays in Plymouth Centre or sign up as a member, we'd be happy to help. Or if you'd rather speak to someone on the phone, call the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900. They can help to identify what career is best for you and the skills that could be useful in a range of different apprenticeship roles.