Unlocking Plymouth Potential (2023 – 2025)
Supporting the future of Plymouth’s young people ‘Seeking Employment, Education or Training’ (SEET)
Most young people succeed in education and make a positive transition to adult life and the world of work. However in our city, 1 in 10 young people do not and this number is unacceptably high.
In response, the city’s first strategic plan has been developed. It is committed to reducing the high levels of young people Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) or where their employment, education or training status is not known. Spending time as NEET can be detrimental to physical and mental health and potentially leads to unemployment or low pay, low quality work later in life.
This plan recognises that priority groups of young people will require additional support and that no single agency can address the NEET or youth employment challenge in Plymouth on their own. This plan supports the future of Plymouth’s young people to enable them to move confidently and successfully transition into adulthood.
Through a trauma-informed approach, here in Plymouth we will be using the term SEET as young people seeking employment, education or training, so that the interventions focus on actions and support that will ultimately lead to enabling our young people to become financially independent (through employment or business start-up).
To view the SEET Plan, please click here.
For further information email SkillsLaunchpad@plymouth.gov.uk