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Support available for Plymouth students receiving exam results

Students in Plymouth will soon receive their GCSE and A Level results and support is available for anyone who is uncertain about their next steps.

Plymouth City Council’s Skills Launchpad team is running a series of events over the summer, helping to connect young people with opportunities for skills, training, education, careers and jobs.

Education leavers and their parents or carers are invited to attend sessions at Skills Launchpad Plymouth’s base, located on the first floor of Barclays in the city centre:

  • Sector-focused drop-in sessions: For anyone interested in the construction and built environment or the health and care sectors, drop-in sessions are open every Tuesday between 10am and 3pm with more information about jobs, apprenticeships or further study.

  • Education Leaver CV Surgeries: Young people can pre-book a 30-minute CV review, with appointments available every Wednesday between 10am and 3pm throughout August and September. Book in advance on Eventbrite here.

  • Construction Apprenticeship Drop-ins: Meet local construction training providers on Tuesday 15 and 29 August, and Tuesday 12 September, between 10am and 2pm.

  • Training and Apprenticeship Drop-ins: Meet local training providers on Wednesday 23 August and Wednesday 27 September between 10am and 2pm

  • Application Skills for Apprenticeships and Jobs: Drop in for help with applying for apprenticeships and jobs on Thursday 10 and 31 August between 10am and 12noon

  • Interview Skills for Apprenticeships and Jobs: Mock interviews are available on Thursday 10 and 31 August, between 1pm and 3pm, to help develop your skills. Email to book.

Councillor Sally Cresswell, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships, said: “Good luck to all students in Plymouth receiving their GCSE and A-Level results and a huge well done for all your hard work. I really hope that you’re pleased with your results, but if that’s not the case then don’t panic.

“It can be really worrying if you don’t get the grades you hoped for, or if you’re not sure what to do next. But our brilliant and friendly team at Skills Launchpad Plymouth are here to help, with lots of advice about further education, apprenticeships and jobs too. If you need their support, please do reach out and come along to one of the many sessions taking place this summer so we can help you to achieve your full potential.”

The Skills Launchpad Plymouth team, with support from CSW Group, will also be available by the Sundial in the city centre between 10am and 2pm on A Level (17 August) and GCSE results (24 August) days, and on the ground floor of Drake Circus opposite M&S on Friday 18 and 25 August between 10am and 3pm, to provide general advice and signposting for next steps.

Find more information and support in our resource banks here.


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