If you are a care experienced young person living in Plymouth, your voice is important! Plymouth City Council is working in partnership to ensure the experiences of young care leavers and their opinions and thoughts can drive forward change to improve things for the future.
If you want to amplify your voice, a good place to start is with the Council's Participation Team. Click here to see ways you can get involved.
Care Journeys also works in partnership with young people and Plymouth City Council to create change and make it more likely for care experienced young people to reach positive destinations. Please visit the Care Journeys website here to find out more.
For information on Plymouth's Care Leaver's guide, click here.
You can also drop into the Youth Hub at Skills Launchpad Plymouth every Thursday between 12pm and 3pm for a chat with our Coordinator Rhi. This isn't about making you sign up to courses or apply for apprenticeships or jobs that you aren't interested in, it's a chance to take a step towards whatever positive next steps your aiming for.
The sky's the limit!