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Your future career starts here: National Careers Week 2024

Did you know that Monday 4 to Saturday 9 March is National Careers Week (otherwise known as NCW)?

NCW is all about getting young people up to speed with their current options for the future and to increase awareness, inform and inspire young people on their journeys.

Here at Skills Launchpad Plymouth, we support local people aged 16+ to access opportunities to develop skills, access training and education, to ultimately secure a job or build a career. Whether you are a young person seeking opportunities for employment, education or training, are unemployed, or someone looking to change careers or upskill, we will have lots going on to connect you with opportunities.

We are just finalising details of which employers, and sector representatives will be available in person from the first floor of Barclays on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of NCW, but for now, do save the date and check back for daily sector overviews and highlights here on the website.

For those of you interested in opportunities in construction and the built environment, or manufacturing and engineering, joining local employers and training providers at the Early Careers Fair at Home Park on Saturday 9 March between 10am and 2pm is a must! This is not limited to young people, anyone looking for to join these sectors is encouraged to attend.

Can't wait? Click here to sign up as a member and one of our Skills Launchpad Plymouth Coordinators will contact you to see how we can help.

Alternatively, check out our resource banks to find out more about local opportunities - 16-24 click here or 25+ click here.


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