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New plan to help unlock potential of young people in Plymouth

More support will be offered to young people in Plymouth who struggle when leaving education, helping them to find jobs or access training.

An ambitious new plan, Unlocking Plymouth’s Potential, has been co-designed with local businesses, employers, schools and colleges, and outlines how Plymouth City Council and key partners will work together to address issues and empower young people to aspire and achieve.

While most young people leave school and make a positive transition to working life or further education, approximately one in ten end up not in employment, education or training (NEET) or in an unknown situation.

Young people who are NEET are more likely to be unemployed or in low paid, low quality work later in life, and it can also be detrimental to their physical and mental health.

The plan sets out how these young people will be targeted and supported to seek education, employment or training (SEET) and then to take advantage of those opportunities so they can develop new skills or begin their careers. The support on offer will include:

  • Enhancing the post-16 training offer in Plymouth with more traineeships, internships, apprenticeships and other early career opportunities

  • Increasing the number of internships and employment opportunities for young people with educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) by forming a Plymouth City Council-led SEND Employment Forum

  • Providing bespoke action plans, skills assessments and pre-employment courses for young people

  • Working with employers to develop an effective model for work experience and to grow opportunities for entry-level jobs

  • Running a programme of careers events across the city so that every child in Plymouth can attend at least one event a year

  • Creating a mentoring and coaching programme where young people in further education can support young people from SEET into education or training.

Councillor Sally Cresswell, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships, said: “We’re taking positive, proactive steps that will support young people in Plymouth to seek employment, education and training. The new plan outlines a coordinated, multi-agency approach which will ensure we can tackle the problems young people are facing and help them to find the right career path.

“We want all young people in Plymouth to grow up well, leading fulfilling and healthy lives. Our aim is to raise aspirations and improve outcomes so that our young people are confident about their future and successfully transition into adulthood.”

The inclusive plan also includes additional support for young people with SEND, those that are care-experienced, young parents, and those known to the criminal justice system.

To view the Unlocking Plymouth Potential Plan, please click here.


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