Women across the UK can be caught up in a cycle of addiction, homelessness and crime, with a lack of opportunities and often a complex history of trauma and abuse at the foundation. Even when working hard to break the cycle, women can struggle to find work and support to reach their full potential.
Gifted Women works to help women break this cycle, recognising meaningful employment, training and further education as key factors in lasting change.
Through weekly group work sessions, learn about all aspects of employability, from recruitment to resilience in the workplace and everything in between. With a significant focus on life skills, confidence building, exploring passions and ambitions and discovering the value you have to offer.
Gifted Women's employability programme links women with local employers to provide work experience placements which are tailored to strengths and ambitions, enabling you to put what you've learnt into practice and experience being part of a team.
Volunteer mentors also provide support on a 1:1 basis through the programme and for six months beyond. The aim is to be thriving and confident in stable employment or be enrolled in further education upon graduating their programme.
For information about this programme, simply e-mail skillslaunchpad@plymouth.gov.uk, or click here to sign up as a member.