Looking at getting a part-time job and don't know where to start? Maybe you're launching your career and want to stand out from others? Perhaps you want to change jobs and need to polish up your CV? We can help!
Our amazing partners at Prince's Trust and Clarion are teaming up to provide a FREE CV workshop for anyone in Plymouth who is looking to make their CV stand out against the crowd.
The workshop is taking place in Skills Launchpad Plymouth, first floor of Barclays, City Centre on Wednesday 27 July between 11-2pm.
Hollie (Prince's Trust) and Jason (Clarion) will cover:
how to organise your CV
the essentials to include
how to talk up your skills
the do's and don'ts of CV writing.
There's no need to book, simply turn up on the day. If you have any questions, feel free to drop us an e-mail skillslaunchpad@plymouth.gov.uk, or click here to sign up as a member.